Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Happy Birthday!

It's Dana's birthday today. Skippy requested poetry for her, I KNOW how weird right? I mean Skippy wanting poetry? But in her birthday message to Dana she wrote. "Let me commission Denise to compose an ode to your birthday." I might be paraphrasing a bit but I'm sure that was the gist of it.

So I started thinking about it. At first I was thinking an ode. That's a good birthday poem. An Ode. But then I thought, oh! I could write in iambic pentameter! Because what better way to say happy birthday than to show off a little? And then I realized that Phoenix rhymes with some funny words so a limerick might be fun. There once was a girl from Phoenix...who led Marc around by his...

But wait! Today is National Haiku Day! OF COURSE Dana was born on Haiku day! Haiku is my favorite!

So I give you, by Skippy's request (I KNOW I'm still amazed at how much she is loving National Poetry Month) some birthday Haiku in honor of Dana's birthday.

Darkness creeping in
A cold chill causes shivers
Oh! It's just Dana!

(look, I love her like I made her, but she's creepy as...

Candles on a cake
Pour more coffee in her cup
Everybody sing!

(cake is all well and good, but the woman really wants coffee)

Superhero stance
Step in front of the grenade
Bad Denise rises

(She literally stepped between an unsuspecting crowd and an about to lose it YOU ARE BREATHING MY AIR me, not all heroes wear capes, some of them wear sweatshirts and are still freezing when it's 65 degrees outside)

Your sun is broken
This will always make me laugh
It's not been tainted

(some jokes are always funny)

What am I smelling right now?
That's outside, sweetheart

(again, some jokes are ALWAYS funny. The difference between living in a hellscape and living someplace where trees grow, flowers bloom and outside spaces smell like both instead of melting tar)

I could write some more
Or I could just wrap it up
Happy Birthday Love!

(Honestly, I could write a dozen more. I love Haiku, and I love Dana, and I love Skippy and want her to feel like she got her wish granted, but I will end here. Happy Birthday, Dana!)

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