Saturday, December 4, 2021

Job Security...

"The Institute? You have an interview with The Institute?"

"Well you don't have to sound so shocked!"

"No, I mean, obviously if anyone would be good enough to get a job with The Institute it would be you, but...I mean. I've never actually known anyone who even knew anyone who worked there."

"I'm just teasing you. I mean, I was shocked to get the notice as well."

"You didn't apply?"

"Have you ever seen a job posting from The Institute?"

"Hunh, no. I guess not. I never thought about it before. But no. So they just sent you a job interview request?"

"They sent me the information on the available position and what day and time I was expected. It wasn't a request so much as a summons."

"Really? So no job posting, no CV request, just them telling you to show up for the interview without you even showing interest?"


"Wow. Now that's some arrogance, just assuming you will show up."

"Well yeah, but..."

"You're right. I guess it's not cocky if you can back it up right? What are you going to wear?"

"I'm going shopping tomorrow. Want to come with me?"

"Sure. And then when you wow them and get hired you can put in a good word for me. Hmm, maybe that's how you get on there, it's all personal recommendations from inside?"

"I thought about that, but I don't know anyone who works for The Institute. At least I don't think I do."

"Well there goes that theory. You'll have to ask when you get your interview. But not in a way that makes it sound like you don't deserve to be there. More in a casual sort of 'which one of my many accolades made you feel you should contact me?' sort of way. Be just as arrogant as they are."

"I'll ask. But probably not in an arrogant way. I mean, I'm not The Institute."

"But you are wanted by them, so that should mean something."

"True. Okay, you can be my hype-man while we are shopping and by the time I go in to talk to them I'll be ten feet tall and bullet proof."


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