Saturday, December 4, 2021


Writing a multipart story right now. Just put the first part up. It's a short piece, but an establishing piece for me. I want to get the flow started. I don't want to forget about it and let it fade away. So you get that really quick little establishing scene while I try and decide exactly how the rest is going to go to hit all the beats I want to hit. 

I know, you are shocked, or at least some of you are, because I usually work without a net. No outlines, no idea what's going to happen. But this story isn't like my usual things. Because it's not my idea.

I mean like the whole thing too. Not just it's a writing prompt I found someplace but the whole story is from someone else. 

See my friend Faye had this completely batshit bonkers dream the other night and the whole time she was dreaming she was thinking, "I have to tell Denise about this." Which, Yay! One yay for lucid dreaming. I'm a big fan. The other yay that when people have really batshit bonkers things happen they think of me. I'm a unique flavor but if you get me, you really get me.

But anyway...she sent me a message with her dream in it and I agreed it was awesome and totally right up my alley for weirdness. 

Then I couldn't get it out of my head. I kept trying to decide things about it. The when and the where and the why. And I finally sent her a message and asked if I could take her dream and turn it into a story. She was all in and here we are.

Now, I'll be honest, even though I know how the dream went and what I thought was great about it and what I think I'll be lifting and putting into my story it might not go that way. The people sometimes change their stories when they start talking to me. 

Which in a way would be kind of fun as well. I mean, if I can surprise Faye with how the story goes when she already knows how it ends? Well that would be pretty cool.

So here we go. I should get at least two pieces out of this. Maybe three. How great would that be? Get half of my fiction out put for December off of someone else's subconscious? Nice....

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