Friday, October 1, 2021


Well here we are in October. Entering the fast downhill part of the year. When OctNovDecember happens. It is always just one bleed into the next during this stretch. September was kind of a slog, but I wrote about that before. Not sure why it was that way, but it was.

Still ahead of the curve in reading. Up 6 books from where Goodreads says I need to be. So that's good. Reading two really good ones right now: The Ugly Cry and The Inheritance of Orquidea Divina. I'm not done yet (about halfway through each) but would already recommend them. 

One more Discworld book to go. I think I'll read it in November to make sure I get it for the year but also have a little time to recover. It's taken me years to get through all of the series. Worth it, and I'm glad I did it, but 42 books is a lot. 

Weight/exercise. I'm at just less than a pound away from my yearly weight loss goal so that's good. Trying not to be bummed about it, since I lost over half of my goal within the first few months and it's been much slower since then. I had just started having dreams of adding (losing?) another 10 for the year. It's a bad switch in my brain that gets flipped so the slowing down is probably a good thing. And since it's the holiday smush it's good to be really close to goal as well. It gets much harder from here on out. 

I slacked a bit on my workouts. But I kept telling myself I wanted to make sure I wasn't sore for Disney. It was an excuse for sure, but it was my excuse and I used it. 

And we did haul all over Disney, as usual. Did over 20,000 steps a day according to Brent's tracker. Sore feet but not terrible. So, obviously, slacking on workouts was the right call. (I'm winking)

October I'm recommitting to my normal 3 days of lifting, 5 days of some sort of cardio. Need to keep that fitness up. Especially during the Holiday Slug Slide. 

Can you tell I'm just super excited about the Holidays again? I'm trying to not be a Ghoul/Grinch whatever a Thanksgiving Humbug would be called. But I feel it coming on. I'm not sure about decorating again, because Tig is still the chewingist cat we've ever seen. Seriously. Dude chews on or tries to eat everything! I can envision him ruining a few things, or ending up at the vet getting surgery to take whatever thing he swallowed that he shouldn't out of his stomach. So maybe one more year?

And we are still pretending we might be moving soon. We've looked at SO.MANY.HOUSES. I seriously feel so badly for our Realtor. She's great, but we are so picky and want something so specific that it's hard to find. Though we have found a few that were close enough to make offers on, but nothing that has gone our way. We are looking at three more tomorrow so, maybe? But because of that I keep thinking we might, maybe, possibly be moving in a month, so we don't want to decorate and just make more to pack. 

And of course the food. Food and holidays just go together. And this year we are going to have to change everything. Which will be fine. We will figure out whole new traditions, but it still sucks. I know that what I'm doing has made a huge difference in how I feel. I know that it's the right thing to do. But it doesn't mean I don't still miss the things I used to love to eat. So yeah, I'm not super looking forward to the next few months. Every season is a season of saying goodbye to a new food. I know it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things but it still feels a little sad as I do it. 

So there you go. Another month in the books, another first day of the month blog, another I SWEAR this month I'm going to be so motivated moment. 

Boo! It's October!

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