Thursday, October 14, 2021

Universe Says What?

 Two contests in my inbox. One random one in my newsfeed. A seminar on creative writing offer on Insta.

Got it. 

I'll call myself a writer again. I'll try and hit those goals for the year. I HEAR YOU.

Registered for a wacky contest today. Micro fiction. They give you the genre, an action that has to be in the story and a word that has to be in the story. You then have 24 hours to write a 250 word story for submission. They randomly assign you to a group and the top ten in that group move on to the next round in December where they do it again and the top five move on. Then in February you do it one more time and there is an overall winner. 

I don't expect to get out of round one. But at least it captured my imagination and I'm going to give it a try, right? 

I'm not a big genre writer. I mean, not on purpose. I am, in fact, reading the genre definitions on their website right now because I don't actually know what makes some of these things genre stories. Like, I get it with romance (I think) there is a meet, a blooming relationship, a misunderstanding that tears them apart, a reconciliation, and a happy ending. But that's only because I used to read my mother's Harlequins when I was younger and I can remember telling her that each story had the same plot. 

But there are a lot of genres on their list and a lot of story types that I would have a really hard time with. Historical Fiction? In 24 hours? And 250 words? Eek! Oh and there is the whole spelling and grammar counts for 15% of the judges' scores and I believe grammar rules are for people who aren't creative enough to make up their own grammar usage so...

So, yeah, I don't expect to make it out of round one. 

But it will be a submission. And it's making me think that writing it will be fun. And I'm eyeing the other two in my inbox so that's a good thing right? And I think I have a short scene in my head for a fiction piece for here as well. Thought to be honest I'm holding it back until I find out what my assignment for the contest is because how funny would it be if my random scene in my head ends up working for their randomly assigned contest selections?

So here we go. I'm writing...I'm writing...get off my back...I'm writing.


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