Friday, April 16, 2021

Where Did the Week Go?

I was on a bit of a roll this month with writing. Then...well...I wasn't. 

I didn't write on Friday last week for some reason and BAM! that was it. Nothing all this week. Well until today. 

And it's weird because I "wrote" a half a dozen blogs in my head at different points in time I just never actually committed them to this space. Which is a real bummer for you, because they were brilliant. Honestly, I do my best writing in my head.

But I never actually sat down and typed. Today I am. And of course all of the brilliant things are gone...

I have a piece kind of bopping around about religion and children but it feels too heavy for a sunny Friday afternoon. 

And it is sunny. So pretty. We are going to be in the 80s this weekend, which is crazy warm! It won't last, thank goodness, and hopefully we'll get some more rain soon as it's been way too dry. But for now it's nice. 

It's also nice that when I pulled out my summer clothes and put on an outfit it fit. Always nice to reach into the back of the closet and not come out with something that has been tailored by the bitchy elves. In fact, it's a little big...not much, but a little is still nice. 

And tomorrow Brent and I get our first doses of the vaccine. Super looking forward to that. Or well, maybe not the getting the vaccine part but the six weeks from now we will be good to go part. I'm not actually sure how much will change in our day to day lives, but at least we will have the peace of mind that we are protected. Right now Oregon is having another surge of infections so it can't come soon enough for me. 

I'm already starting to think of the things I want to do when we are done. Exciting things like, a dentist appointment! A chiropractic appointment! A PEDICURE! Also we want to get the ceiling fans and vent fans in the bathroom replaced so having that done without panic over workers being in the house will be nice. I'll just have the normal amount of hating having strangers in the house to deal with. :-)

I'm also hoping that once we are vaccinated and I'm feeling a little more peace of mind about that it will free up the part of my head that seems to be stuck in the pandemic mode. That part that is keeping me from focusing on anything else for any length of time. Like writing. And reading. Instead of sitting down and reading for long blocks of time (which is my preference) it's taking me weeks to get through books. I've gone from 2 to 3 books a week to maybe 2 books a month. And forget reading one book at a time. Which, to be fair, I normally have one fiction and one non-fiction book going but now it's like 4 or 5 that I've started and read a little bit here, a little bit there. I keep trying to focus, and I find myself staring at the wall, or thumbing through my phone. I just can't get my head to stop. 

I'm hoping that changes soon. 

I'm blaming the pandemic but honestly, it could be part of the menopausal nonsense as well. Or a little bit of both. 

But I'd like it to stop.

Oh, and did I ever circle back about the elimination diet stuff? Let me go check...okay, back. I sort of handled it in the March Monthly wrap up. So basically, I started it as almost a lark, an oh lets see, maybe I'll even lose some weight, but I honestly didn't really believe it would show anything. Wait...let me put this on hold and do an actual blog about it. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow but there are some things that are BIGGER LESSONS that I do want to touch on so I'm going to hold off. Just remind me if I don't write about, okay?

Whew, now I've shifted the responsibility to you so I feel much better about that. 

And I think that wraps up the brain dump portion of the day and now on to deadheading a bunch of pansies...

Not a metaphor. Really going to tidy up my flowers. 

Enjoy your weekend. Stay safe. Keep wearing your masks. Keep your distance. And get your vaccine when you get the chance.

(I was going to say when you get your shot, but that seemed confusing)

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