Thursday, November 12, 2020

Where to Begin? Again...

So, I think Tig is all better. Or at least mostly better. He still has some muscle imbalance but that will take a bit of time to get back. But his wound is down to just the smallest little scab and he's leaving it alone so it's healing fast. He is running and jumping and playing and not limping or favoring the leg, even at the end of the day. He won't have another vet appointment until the 25th but I'm pretty positive he's fine now. 

So I've been putting the house back together from it being a sick ward. It's been a bit of a job. Partly because there are things that I need to look at and decide if they are salvageable or not. The pin in his hip tore up most of the cloth things and the open wound on his leg stained pretty much everything else. I've cleaned up some things and decided some things weren't too damaged but then there is the rest. What do I throw out? What did we get for this time (the foam pad for the floor, the crate for the living room) that we should keep and what can be donated?

And while I do that I am looking at some furniture we have that could stand to be replaced. And Tux has started to destroy the Berber carpet in the basement so that could be replaced as well. And...

So it's taking awhile. 

And part of the things I'm looking at replacing the frugal part of me is thinking, there is no way it's been long enough to do that! I mean I just bought that foam pad last month! Getting rid of it now seems so wasteful! 

But I bought it because sleeping on a few pillows on the floor was killing my hips. It had a purpose. I don't need it anymore. If we have guests they can have the bed in the spare room or the really comfy couches if we have more than one at a time. I'm not sure a foam mat is the best option. And I know it's not for anyone over 5'6". So it did what it was supposed to do. It was useful. But I don't really need to shove it in a closet or in the garage for "maybe."

Then I started thinking it was sort of like the Kondo stuff. But I've never been good at the "Does this spark joy?" sort method. Some things don't spark joy but are very practical to have. So I'm looking at everything and thinking, have your served your purpose? Did I get the use out of you that I needed to? And will I get more use out of you or are you done?

So I'm back at it's okay that we need new bedding because I got a good amount of use out of it before we used it in the sick room and then it was incredibly important to have while Tig (and I) needed some cushioning and comfort. It's okay that the carpet downstairs needs to be replaced, I mean, it's still original from when we moved in almost 20 years ago so Tux destroying it is really just a good motivator. And it's okay that the whole bedroom suite (also about 20 years old) is in need of a refresh and that the mattress (only 4 years old) gets replaced as well. It was expensive, but I've never really liked it. And one thing I learned the past few weeks, a comfortable place to sleep should never be taken for granted!

Then I started to think that this is a lesson I have to learn over and over in my life. Let go of the things that are not serving you well anymore. It's okay. Even if it was great in the past, if it's not working for you right now let it go. 

And don't feel badly about it. 

That's the tricky part. 

We start thinking of the maybes and the what ifs and the used to bes and we hold on to things and ideas and sometimes even people who are not serving our best interests anymore. And it's okay to let them go. 

I had a friend drop me off of their Facebook list sometime in the past few months. Now it could have been the plethora of kitten pictures but my guess is it's because as we've grown older we've grown very distant from each other in our belief system. There were plenty of times she'd post something that I passionately disagreed with but I didn't let her go. We had been friends since our kids were pre-schoolers. We used to have holidays together. But it was all used to be. And in the past. Now? We are very different. And she finally reached the point where the past didn't hold sway over her present. And though I was a little sad when I saw it I was like yeah, that needed to happen. We weren't serving each other's best interest anymore. 

So here's to making good choices on what and who we keep in our lives. Ideas, people, things, make sure they are still serving your best interests. And if they aren't it's okay to let them go. In fact it's necessary. If you never get rid of the old you don't have room for the new. 

Now to shop for a new bedroom set...who wants to guess if it will take longer or shorter than the time to find a new couch? 

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