Wednesday, May 29, 2019

This Is My Worry Blog...

I'm almost convinced that Donald Trump will be re-elected in 2020.

I watched Robert Mueller this morning give his very carefully worded because he's a lawyer speech and then watched "the other side" react to what I had listened to in the comments sections of three different news sources. And let me tell you...they did not hear the same things at all. It's kind of crazy.

And I don't understand it.

When Barr gave his speech after he got the report I posted that we should all be glad that there was no collusion and no obstruction and that I really wanted to see the report (which I thought that there was no way it would be released) to see what happened, because I didn't understand how there couldn't be obstruction at least. But I trusted that Barr was telling the truth.

I was wrong. I mean really wrong. He wasn't telling the truth. Not even a little bit. He was telling what he wanted to be the truth. So I changed my mind about what the Mueller Report actually said, because now I could see what it actually said not what Barr and Trump want it to have said.

Now, to be fair, I've only read about half of it. I've read the summaries that the Mueller team provided, which are incredibly handy. I've read specific parts when people have referenced them to see if they did in fact say what I was being told they said. Fool me once... But I haven't read every word. The redactions drive me to distraction.

What I read first were the quotes that Barr pulled out to put in his summary. Because even when I believed what he was telling me I said it bothered me that he pulled half sentences. I wanted to see the other half. Now I understand why he pulled half sentences, the whole thing made what he was saying seem like...well...wrong. Which it was.

And you add that to the chorus of voices still saying that his taxes don't matter, and the money he is making off of his private companies doesn't matter, and the campaign finance fraud doesn't matter, and the history of tax cheating (really good article on that that NOBODY read), and ...well...

So there is that part. The whole Donald Trump is incredibly dishonest and you can't see it or don't care part.

Then there is the part where I see fear mongering as a bad thing and there is a whole segment of our population that sees it as a reason to vote for him. They are scared, he made them scared, and somehow they think he can make them safe? I just don't understand it.

Then there is the part where all certain voters care about is Roe v. Wade. I tried SO DAMN HARD last cycle to make people on the left understand the importance of the Supreme Court and got nowhere. And we've lost it, folks. If we make it through 2020 with just this much damage to the institution (and yes, I LIKE BEER and I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE is damage) we should count ourselves lucky. IF we get a Democrat in office and don't get McConnell out of the you think he would let a justice get approved if he could stop it? Spoiler alert...we already know he won't.

So anyway...Roe v. Wade means conservative voters will vote for the Republican no matter what. They feel like it's a holy thing to do. Who the fuck cares about all of the other hateful and hurtful things if they can get that done?

And then there are the voters who feel about regulations the same way. Get rid of them. All of them. Who cares about safety, the environment, people? Honestly folks, there is profit to be had here and how are we supposed to maximize it if you can't underpay, overwork, drill in the ocean without inspections and cut down all the trees? Who cares about the future when I can make a buck today?

So yeah...

I'm worried.


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