Thursday, May 16, 2019

Second Quarter Submission...

Okay, I haven't done it yet but I've picked what I'm going to do. I'm going to submit a rhyming poem. I can hear Skippy groaning from here.

Poetry is hard and I'm not really good at it, especially rhyming poetry AND because of all of these things I'm not super invested on if it gets published.

I kind of need that right now. I am just not cut out for the rejection thing. No matter how much I try to reframe it to submissions not publication or how often I remind myself of the sheer volume of things out there and the massive amounts of luck needed. No matter how many times I soothe my shattered ego with saying things like It has to be worse for Dana because she's REALLY good at this. It just doesn't matter. I hate submitting. I hate being told I'm not good enough. Or worse being ignored. I hate it.'s still a goal for this year so I will finish it out.

So that means this quarter it will be a rhyming poem. Something I can do, but not well. So when it's done and submitted I will not feel so badly about it being tossed to the side.

I also have the next submission picked out.

It will be a short story. Trying to decide which genre I submit, romance or science fiction/fantasy. I could get bold and do horror. But I will probably stick with my wheelhouse. The things I'm good at...

So yeah, that one will be much harder to take when it's rejected.

So I need this. The break. The who cares piece. The do it just for a lark. The stretch myself a little but not expect anything good out of it submission. The...

Are you buying any of that? You know as soon as it's finished and submitted I will WANT it to be chosen for publication.

Oh well...

So now I have two weeks to write a rhyming poem.

Hmm...what rhymes with fear of failure?

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