Tuesday, February 26, 2019

I Heard the News Today, Oh Boy...

Things that are bugging me right now.

The preview of the 2020 election. It's going to be all abortion all the time. And when it's all about abortion it's almost always not right. Not like morally right, but not factually right. For instance there is no medical term called "late term abortion" there isn't. It's a made up phrase to make you think horrible thoughts. Like live birth abortion. That's not a thing either. There is abortion and there is live birth. If a baby is born alive it's not an abortion. But that doesn't stop the right from using these terms.

Take the Ben Sasse (and now you know why I said I still would never vote for him) bill they forced a vote on yesterday. The one that said doctors would have to provide medical care to babies born from failed abortions. It was a stunt vote. It was a way to get people on record in a way that the right could use against them. There are already laws on the books about this. Did you know that? That a doctor would already have to provide medical care to an infant who was born alive even if it was during an abortion attempt. Yep. Passed in the early 2000s. Bipartisan support. (The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act)

So why not pass another one?

Well because this one was vague enough that if a doctor was performing an abortion they could be charged with a crime if they didn't take heroic measures to save it. It was designed to make doctors potentially criminally liable for performing abortions. That's the end game you see. Make physicians too scared to perform them and then it doesn't matter if it's legal or not. That's what the bombings were all about. This is just a legal bombing.

I've stated my position on abortion multiple times. I'm against it. For me. Even at 50 years old and in the midst of menopause and 20 years after shutting my baby making factory down and being too tired to even imagine having a puppy let alone a baby IF I became pregnant I wouldn't have an abortion. It's just not what I would choose to do. For me. BUT I am pro-choice. Because that's not the choice I want to foist on other people. My body my choice. Your body your choice. I have no business telling you what to do in a medical decision. I didn't go to medical school. I don't know what is going on in your body. I don't get a say.

I'm also pro-education. Stop with the abstinence only bullshit. Make birth control easy to get and affordable. Give people options that are easy to obtain before pregnancy ever happens. Safe, rare and legal. That's my stance.

So the 2020 all abortion buy in to get Trump elected again is bugging me. Because you and I both know that's why he's going to hit it and hit it hard. He doesn't really care. He just knows some of you care about that one issue to the point you ignore everything else.

What else?

Robert Kraft and the prostitution charges. Now I don't like him anyway and the public shaming is fine for him, in my opinion. I think he should be the butt of jokes and given a ton of side eye and made to feel like he's less than. But there is a reason why I think it should happen and it's not because I have a problem with the idea of prostitution. I don't. If it were voluntary. If a woman (usually it's women) or a man wanted to voluntarily work in the sex industry I don't have a problem with that at all. I think it should be legal and regulated and licensed. If I can provide a service, and I want to provide that service and nobody gets hurt in the exchange of goods for money then that should be legal.

HOWEVER...what we are looking at in Florida is sex trafficking. Women brought here illegally and forced to work in a brothel with no rights, no resources and no chance for help. They aren't deciding to be sex workers they are being forced in to it. And we have problems with that in the world. Women, often underage girls, underage boys, forced in to sex work. Being raped multiple times a day. Because that's what it is. Robert Kraft and the others being charged paid a fee to someone to rape someone else.

You don't want to think of it that way, we visualize rape as this violent thing and not a hand job in a seedy massage parlor, but if you are not free to choose what you are doing and you have to give that old man a hand job it's rape.

He paid a fee to rape someone. More than once.

So yeah, he deserves every bit of ridicule and shame he gets. But don't ever forget he raped someone. Don't ever forget that he supported sex trafficking. Don't ever forget that this is a thing that we have in the United States and we need to not brush it off as no big deal.

And then what else...

Trump and his vanity project wall. National Emergency my dying ass...I've written about that before so I won't do it again. But it's still not an emergency. It's still an overreach that could very well bite him in the ass. ANd it's still another point of reference that republicans don't give a fuck about anything other than the R, and abortion.

Oh! And Cohen testifies in open session tomorrow. I'm not sure what to think about that. He's supposedly going to land a few bombshells, but he's already lied under oath once so... I mean I still think Trump is dirty. I think he's a con artist. I think he broke the law to get in to office (campaign finance violation, it's a law). But I don't trust Cohen anymore than I ever have so...we'll see.

And Trump's in Vietnam. Only a few decades too late, but he finally made it, hopefully the meetings will be close by so he won't aggravate his bone spurs walking to them.

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