Thursday, September 13, 2018

Too Simple?

I'm working on a theory in my head this morning. Trying to find a reason why Cult 45 still stands by Trump. Why they can't connect the dots to see that he's a bad person. A dishonest person. A person that should not be running the country. And I've decided that it's too simple. The reasons to dislike him that is.

See, if you give someone a complex narrative about why the Clinton's are actually criminal masterminds who kill everyone who stands in their way they believe it. Even if you question them about things like, "If you believe Bill Clinton will kill someone who could cause trouble for him politically AND you believe that Bill Clinton is a rapist why did he let Juanita Broaddrick live?" Or "If you believe that Bill Clinton flashed his dick at Paula Jones, why did he bother to put a disguise on his penis (she said he had certain identifiable marks that he did not actually have so obvi he disguised his dick) but not bother to then have her killed so she would be quiet about it all?" If they are murdering people willy nilly then why don't they murder the people who actually could cause them damage?

Then there are birther and truther and flat earthers. They can believe that Obama's family was so prepared to have him run for president in the future that they published a fake birth announcement in the Hawaiian papers when he was born AND got a fake copy of his birth certificate put on file with the state  AND everyone involved has been able to keep a secret about it. Truthers the same thing, there is a vast government and civilian cover-up about a controlled detonation that somehow simultaneously certain "bigwigs" knew all about it so they stayed home from work that day and yet never said a word to anyone else. Massive amounts of coverup and secrecy. Flat earthers, same thing. Massive coverup and secrecy among not just our government but the WHOLE world.

It has to be complicated for people to believe it.

When Trump Jr. says on television that they get most of their funding from Russia, that's not proof of anything.

When Trump says that Russia was for sure on his mind when he fired Comey that doesn't mean anything.

When Trump berates our own federal agencies, tries to bully his own AG, calls any news he doesn't agree with fake...well none of that means anything.

When he doesn't release his tax returns. He's not hiding anything.

When he says he had never even heard of the women he paid off, until the tapes are released, then he says, NO COLLUSION!

All of these things are too simple. Too in your face.

Very fine people on both sides. (But he wasn't saying the neo-Nazis were good people, even though they were the people on one side)

Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States...(but it's not a Muslim ban)

They discount them because if it really is that simple, if he really is a bad guy, then they have to start asking themselves why they voted for him, and well, maybe that's too simple as well.

Would it be easier for you if you believed that the Russians worked on a multi-layered approach to influencing the election? That through a strategic release of negative stories about Clinton that were shared, retweeted and promoted by a series of bots and fake accounts that pretended to be Americans but were really Russians they created a movement. That they then created groups and fronts representing different angles to get Americans to fight against each other and used our own divides on things like race and class to drum up more discord? That you thought what you were seeing was the truth when in fact it was actual fake news? That you acted on information given you, but it was fake information? False fronts. Fake accounts. Seeds of discontent sown.

Would that be easier?

Or because it's all out there now is that too simple?

He tells you who he is every day. Why you don't listen is really confusing to me.

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