Thursday, September 20, 2018


Sandra winced a little as she reached for the salt.

"Are you okay?" Ginger asked.

"Yeah, shoulder's just a little sore. I got my flu shot today."

Ginger shook her head, "I just don't know how you trust the government to put shit in your body like that."

Sandra smiled a little, "I'm not really worried about the government, I'm more worried about the flu."

"You couldn't pay me to let them do that. There is no telling what they might do."

Sandra leaned close to Ginger and whispered, "So how do you trust them enough not to get the shot?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I get the flu shot every year. I'm pre-checked at the airport for TSA. I always answer my census questions on time. I register my appliances online for fuck's sake. I'm well documented."

"Yes, and? So you're crazy enough to think the government won't abuse all of that information. That's your problem."

"Or that's my insurance. If you're right and the government is out to get us all, and at some point in time they are going to turn on us all, who do you think is safe?"


"Really? You? The noncompliant? Don't you think they are more likely to release that germ warfare you are worried about and those of us who are good little citizens and get our flu shots will be protected? And when they send the soldiers in the middle of the night are they coming to my house? The one with the government registry all up to date and current? I don't think so. I'm obviously a good drone who does what she should so I'm not worried. But you? Well...."

Ginger sat back. "I hadn't thought about that. So what you are saying is by doing what they tell you to do you are actually protecting yourself from them?"

Sandra nodded. "Yep. You have to be trickier than they are. You have to think bigger. You know they are."

"Hunh...that's a good point. I'd never thought of that."

"It's up to you on how you live your life, but me? I'm going to do what I need to to protect myself."

Sandra leaned back and gave what she hoped was a knowing smile. She could see the gears turning in Ginger's head. This might just work after all. The health drive contest at work was trying for 100% immunized in each department and Ginger was going to be their hold out. They might just win that new coffee maker yet.

You had to be trickier than they were. She wasn't lying about that.

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