Thursday, October 31, 2019

October Recap!

And done...

One of my special project sparkly stars for October was "Get Through It" so yay! Got that one!

It was a month, that is for sure.

So how am I doing as we close in on the end of the year?

Fitness/Weight! Well I'm back on the gym bandwagon. Got that going again this month so that was good. Trying something new right now with circuit workouts instead of splits, I'm not sure I like it but I've only been doing it for two weeks so I'll give it until mid-November to see for sure.  Weight is the same on the 31st as it was on the 1st so I guess it could be worse. I can feel myself starting to prepare for a diet though. Nothing crazy, but I really am pushing the limit for what my clothes can hold. It's understandable, I have good reason to eat my feelings right now, they are delicious as well, but soon I'll have to do something about the extra extra I put on. There is only so far acceptance can take you, and right now it's taking me right out of my jeans.

Reading! I'm still four books ahead so that's good. Got a Discworld read and currently reading the next one on the list so that only leaves one more for the year to hit that goal. I've also got a long flight coming up so I should knock out an extra book this month. Which is great. Any ahead I can get in November makes December just that much easier.

Writing! Didn't hit the original monthly goal but I've been trending ahead for awhile so I only have like 22 more to go for the year. Totally doable. Need three of those to be fiction, so I'm feeling kind of fat and sassy there too. And I got my last submission turned in. If the rejection for that comes quick enough that will only leave two fiction pieces needed, but I don't think it will.

MasterClass! I did one by Alice Waters as my October class. It was okay. Not great. Just okay. I'm trying to think if I actually learned anything new, aside from I am not as rich as Alice Waters, but I don't think so. Doing RL Stine right now which will count for November. It's much more amusing.

Museum/Attraction! The Oregon Historical Society had a Darcelle exhibit that I wanted to see so it was a repeat museum, but not a repeat in what we saw. And this time we did the rest of the museum as well because the Darcelle exhibit was kind of a bust. It was cool, but it was only like 5 dresses and two sets of jewels. I really thought it would be a bigger deal. Darcelle has been hugely influential in the Portland LGBTQ community, not just performing as Darcelle, but activism as Walter as well. I really thought it would be more of a retrospective of that, but it was like a closet visit. Oh well.

Long Term! I got the table ordered and delivered and I really like it. I wrote the submission piece. I got through it.


November!  What's ahead? Well, we are going to take a quick vacation so that will be fun, and, of course, Thanksgiving. Looking at the list of things to do in 2019 and I guess maybe this month I need to tackle the fan situation or painting the baseboards. Neither sounds great but I'll do one for sure.

So there we are. October in the books.


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