Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Remember When....

So remember when I said last week that this week would be the week I settled into my new routine because this week would be easier? 


Next week. Now I'm aiming for next week. 

But to be honest it might end up being June at this point. Which is totally a thing that could happen and I'm fine with it. Really. I mean not being settled in is fine. Not having any sort of routine is fine. It's all just fine. 


Or not. 

But I can't really change it so I need to roll with it. 

Last week was the last of the random things I needed to do at the town house so I was going to stop going back and forth between here and there a few times each day. I cannot even tell you how much I was looking forward to that. Isn't it amazing how quickly we let go of old things? I mean, honestly. All it took was moving all of our things into this house for me to think of that one as "not mine." And as it's "not mine" I don't want to be there. And after last week, getting it set up to show and putting it on the market, I was not going to have to do much there. A drive by here and there to make sure things look okay, check the mail a couple more times to make sure USPS did their thing, but other than that. Done, baby!

And then Sunday we discovered the gas leak. 

So Patty had thought she smelled something on Tuesday but it wasn't strong and I wrote it off to just random stuff because I had been there Monday and there wasn't anything. Sunday a realtor that showed the house let Patty know that it was really strong. So I called NW Natural and raced to the house to make sure I got there before they did. 

See, what I didn't know is that they wouldn't wait for me. If they got there first and couldn't get in the house they could just cut the line at the curb and I would have to go through the process of getting it all turned back on before I would even be able to find out where the leak was coming from. So I raced and cussed at every stop light and slow car having visions of my house exploding and taking out the neighbors...

Got there and yeah, definitely a gas smell. I opened up the house to get it aired out and tried to find where it was coming from. Hard to pinpoint because it seemed like it was everywhere. Ugh. 

NW Natural got there and brought out his little sniffer. Stop it, it's not dirty, that's what they call the tool that can detect where the leak is coming from. Not the stove, not the fireplace, dang it, that leaves the furnace. Which is in the attic. And all of our ladders are at the new house. And the dispatcher I talked to on the way over to the town house, (yes, I had my phone on speaker as I drove, it was an emergency!) had said the techs don't carry ladders so if it was in the attic I was shit out of luck. 

But no, he had a ladder! Whew! And it was the valve on the furnace. It had developed a leak and would fill the unit with gas, then when the heater would run it would then push all of that gas out the vents through the whole house. Great...

And honestly in a way it really was great. We had been having issues earlier in the year with the furnace and I think it was the valve failing at that point, so it would have been nice if they had figured out that was what was happening a few months ago, but the good news is it completely failed after we moved out. So we weren't dealing with a gas leak in the middle of the night, which could have been catastrophic. We weren't dealing with no heat in the house we were living in while waiting for the repair, which would have been miserable. And there is a part in the states that we can get. 

Which is SUPER great. These attic combo units are not common and right now if the whole unit fails there is a six to nine month wait for one to be shipped. If it had been that long to get the part to fix the unit we would have been screwed trying to sell it. It would have been trying to convince a buyer that we for sure would get it fixed, and summer is right around the corner so really it won't need to run much anymore while they waited. But there was a part and so we didn't have to. We just wrote as part of our counter offer that we would FOR SURE get it fixed.

Yes, our counter offer. We sold the house. 

To the person who discovered the gas leak. 

Which is amazing. 

And now I'm sitting with my fingers metaphorically crossed that the close and sale goes through smoothly and the part comes quickly and the repair is easily handled. 

And then...then I will be able to settle into my new house and new routine just as smooth as silk and...

Stop laughing.

It could totally happen.

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