Saturday, May 12, 2018

Just a few snippets...

Why did I say I thought this was a good idea? I should have made it a blog most days in May.

So it's a sunny Saturday and I am trying to decide what to write about.

The weight hoarder was at the gym this morning. She brings two sets of dumbells and two EZ bars over to her bench and then uses them one at a time. Keeping them for over 40 minutes before touching the last of them. It makes me slightly crazy. The good thing is that I switched which body parts we work on Saturday so I don't need the weights she's hoarded anymore, but it's still such bad gym etiquette. And she's really muscular so she should know better. The only small passive aggressive pleasure I got today is that she needed another set of weights and it happened to be the ones I was using right then so she had to walk down and get the second set to add to her nest. It was small and it was petty but it still made me smile. 

John McCain is being eulogized pre-death. It's probably nice for him. A chance to see what nice things people are saying about him. Except, of course, for the Trumpettes who have decided to carry the draft dodger's banner and support horrible lies about him. Look, it's not a secret that I have not been a McCain fan since he picked Palin and then became a fall in line Republican who still tried to claim the Maverick label. I will admit that part of why he made me so mad is that I really liked him when he ran against Bush the younger. Who, by the way, used horrible dirty tricks and nastiness to beat him. It's always worse when someone you admire disappoints you. And for the most part he became a disappointment to me. A fall in line Republican. Except there were times he didn't. The healthcare bill was a nice no vote that one time. And one of the best things he did was tell the crazy woman that Barack Obama was not born somewhere else and you could disagree with politics without being an asshole (paraphrasing). 

He's one of the last of the old school pols. One of the last to work with the other side. We won't see that again for awhile. I'm hopeful we will eventually see it again, but I just don't know. Because that crazy lady that he corrected is now the majority of his party. That nastiness that he warned against is the driving force of the political system. So yes, I have been incredibly disappointed in him, and I will never get over letting Palin in to the national spotlight, but I also have to say that he deserves the good things being said about him. He gave a lifetime in service to our country and paid a really heavy price for it. He should be treated with that respect. Even if we disagree with his politics. The man is a patriot. 

North Korea. I'm so frustrated with the news coverage of the shutdown of testing sites. They blew up their testing mountain. He's not giving them up. They caved in. The fact that I had to read it on news sites from other countries and it's gotten barely a mention in our coverage is crazy to me. We are sitting back acting like he's doing this as a show of good faith when it's really that he cannot test anymore so he is using it as a way to get something. What the hell? 

But I'm still hopeful. I'm hopeful these talks actually produce something. We've seen this before, North and South came together during Bush's presidency as well and then nothing happened. I hope this time will be different but I'm not holding my breath. But three Americans held captive were released so if nothing else that is a good thing. And for anyone wondering, I don't care if Trump gets a Peace Prize, if there is Peace we all get a prize.


Iran. Why would any country trust our word in deals after Trump stopped complying with the Iran deal. He didn't "pull out" he broke the deal. We had a deal, he stopped complying. Just so you know that makes us the bad faith end of the negotiations. I talked about the deal when it first happened and my thoughts about it. They haven't changed. But now I worry about what it means that we (the USA) cannot be trusted to uphold our end of agreements. This is the second time we've backed out of multi-country negotiated deals in this president's term. The full faith and weight of the United States doesn't count for much right now. It's also a little unsettling that he seems to be destabilizing one area while trying to negotiate stabilization in another. Wouldn't it be great if we had balance on both sides? Maybe that's just me. 

And that about covers the half formed ideas floating around in my head. We are on our way to a friend's patio for a BBQ and bullshitting kind of night. The weather is good, it's Mother's Day weekend so happy day to all you moms, and tomorrow the Timbers play so I will be trying to figure out what to write about when I squeeze in a blog around going to the game. Good luck to us all...

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