Friday, January 10, 2014

I have a code in my node...

I've had this stubborn cold bug that has been pestering (bugging?) me for a week. I would think I was getting sick, wake up just a little off, and then it would fade away. Finally Wednesday night it hit a little harder. Stuffy nose, sore throat, but only enough to be annoying, not really awful. Still did the normal stuff yesterday, ran a bunch of errands, you're welcome Beaverton for the germs I shared, and was mostly fine. Then last night after sitting for awhile I really started dragging. Bleh...and this morning when the alarm went off I decided to ignore it and stay in bed.

Let me tell you my neighborhood isn't super conducive for sleeping in. I have to admire C's fortitude in sleeping during the day when he is home. I am not sure how he does it. People moving around outside. Construction across the street. Then the trash collection. Ugh...fine...I'll get up but I'm not leaving the couch. So there! Made some toast and coffee, watched a week's worth of Chew episodes, made some tomato soup, writing a blog. All from the comfort of my couch.

Now I'm still not super sick. If I had things I had to do today or even really wanted to do today I could have done them but since I didn't I decided to take the lazy day. After figuring out that our password system was too complicated we got Netflix working on our TiVo so after I write this I might settle in and watch a movie. Later Brent will bring home dinner. Lazy. In spades. And of course, as I do, I've been on Facebook and watching people posting who are REALLY sick. There is nasty flu strain going around and people are fighting that. There are a few people in my life who suffer from chronic pain situations and one of them is having a particularly bad day.

So then I had a moment of feeling a little guilty that I was taking a lazy day to sit on the couch and eat comfort food and watch movies when all I really have is a slight cold. And I'm really doing it so I am not too sick to go to Evita tomorrow.

And then I stopped myself.

Because that is ridiculous and falls in to one of those things that we all do that is just dumb. The "it could be worse" trap. You know when you post a RIP for a celebrity and someone points out that 1000 people died yesterday so you shouldn't feel badly for this one person? Or when you stub your toe and someone tells you about someone who lost their foot so you should be grateful you have a toe to stub? You know that stuff? That stuff that I HATE? And here I was starting to do it to myself.

So instead I stopped. Decided to write a blog to get it out of my system. I have a cold. It's not the worst cold ever. It's not even the worst cold I've ever had. It's just a cold. But I am taking a day off. Because I can. It doesn't make your flu any better. Or your dying aunt get better. But you know what? Neither would me painting the house and plowing the back forty.

So I'm sending this out as a reminder. Taking care of yourself is okay. You need to do it. You know when you can afford to do it. And when you do take the time to do it, no guilt. None. Not even a little.

Got it?


Now pass me the remote and the box of tissues please I'm not moving...

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