Wednesday, July 8, 2009

January 2007

These first few batches are moved over from MySpace which is why the formatting is odd. I could change it and make it look more like the rest of my stuff, but I am too lazy!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Current mood: hopeful

Okay, so here we go. New chapter in my life begins. Almost 40 years old and I start school on Monday. I am excited and scared at the same time. I tell my son all the time that life happens and it's up to him to make the most of it. Well now I am going to make the most of mine. I always intended on doing "something" with my life, but could never figure out what that was. Thought maybe wife/mother/friend was it. Not that those are bad things to be...but well you know... so now we try on student for a year. Then new career...holy smokes...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ashley was right...
Current mood: amused
Category: MySpace

Okay, so my incredibly gorgeous niece is also incredibly astute. It's addictive. I spent way too much time last night searching out people I knew or know to see if they have MySpace pages. And I learned a really important matter how amused you are by the fact that you could pick out an old boyfriend's MySpace page by his icon, your husband is not going to find it funny! Oh and learn right. :-)

4:34 PM

Thursday, January 04, 2007

And more on that note...
Current mood: contemplative

Okay so on to the not amused hubby item...funny thing about that...the friend that I found is a huge part of my "what if" universe. I think everyone has one of those right? What if this instead of that happened? His brother and my sister were engaged at one point in time. I always wondered how Susan's life would have turned out if she and he had stayed engaged. Last I heard he was a youth minister at a church in Dallas. Would that have happened if he and Susan had stayed together? I was young when they split so I never got the real story as to what happened, but I have theories. I have always wondered if they would have been good for each other or bad? If maybe some of the crap she ended up going through would have been better, or would they have just had the same stuff different marriage? Who knows...I am sure she wouldn't change anything, hard to say you want big changes in your life when what you did gave you your children right? But anyway...that's always my happy alternative universe. They stayed together, had fun, loved each other, had great kids and a wonderful life...and I got a brother-in-law that I liked...sigh...

5:06 PM

Friday, January 05, 2007

Getting ready!
Current mood: excited
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

All right here we go! Orientation is tomorrow morning, then classes on Monday. Next week is going to be hell week for sure. Class from 8-2:30 Monday morning then straight to the airport and on to Houston. Get in to Houston at 1 AM, off to the hotel an hour away from the airport, up and in meetings by 8 AM Tuesday, meetings until 5 Tuesday then skipping dinner and the reception, back to the airport landing in Portland at midnight and back in class 8 AM Wednesday morning! Holy and school and family...and maybe some time to read in there too...wish me luck!

I should be fine most of the time, just when there is travel in there that it's going to be hard.
9:41 PM

Saturday, January 06, 2007

And awaaay we go!
Current mood: bouncy
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Just got back from orientation...really getting excited now. Bought my table and it should be here within two to three weeks. They custom make them so I got to pick my color and get the Reiki endplates. I got a lovely burgundy one so when the sheets are off it will match my walls. Thank goodness for Vegas, won almost exactly the amount I needed to pay for it, amazing how it worked out! Also, got my student just looking for discounts! And I learned my lesson from my drivers license and didn't wear a shirt the same color as my hair so I don't look like a giant triangle. Yes, I am that vain that it was important to me that it was a decent picture on my ID...but you all should know that!

I really am getting excited to start. Wish me luck with all the Latin. Hopefully Christopher will be able to help me through it. He should get a real kick out of helping Mom with her homework for a change!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ready to go!
Current mood: excited

School starts tomorrow morning. I have my school supplies all packed up and will make my P,B and J in the morning and head off! It should be very cool. Then my whirlwind trip to Houston, which will not be nearly as cool, but you gotta do what you gotta do right?

Later when I am bitching about homework and tests and such things remind me to look back at how excited I was to start!
6:11 PM

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Quick Update...
Current mood: tired

Okay, so the first two days of school are done as well as my whirlwind trip to Houston.

School has been fabulous! I am operating on 4 hours of sleep from last night and about the same from the night before and I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to focus in class today...but NO WAY...I was so engaged and excited just from being there it was like a Jolt Cola (in the days before Red Bull, my dears) shot straight to the system!

Worked on homework tonight and now wading through 75 emails in my inbox from work...then off to bed to sleep the sleep of the well educated...
tomorrow or this weekend I will write about my trip. It was interesting...
8:04 PM

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Busy busy busy....
Current mood: groggy I flew in late, got a little bit of sleep and then sat in meetings all day Tuesday. Those meetings always remind me of cotton candy. While you are in the middle of it, it seems enjoyable, but after it's done you aren't entirely sure you got anything out of it.

Went with Sheila for her first marketing meeting. I talked to her today about it and she was impressed with the personal contact from the head muckety mucks at KFCC. I am pretty used to it. It's a "family" style organization for one thing, and for another we have some pretty big players in our co-op so by extension we get a little attention. But it was neat that she was impressed. That's the thing, when you are in a profession that you kiss everyone else's ass all day, it's always kind of nice when someone kisses yours for a change!

But bottom line, it was a long way to fly for a little bit of information. Worth it that Sheila didn't have to go on her own to her first meeting, but not worth it in the price to pay in lack of sleep this week. Seriously-too old for that shit...especially when I had to leave before the free drinks! Also a big advertising favorite...
9:05 PM

Friday, January 12, 2007

Feeling small...
Current mood: weird

So not in a deep and meaningful way, but physically small. I have worn high heels to work for so long that wearing flats makes me feel small. Different perspective on the world. It's a little odd. I am wearing tennis shoes to school and have them on now at work (yes, I am blogging at work, but only because I am waiting on hold and don't want to start a project until I am done) anyway...I feel short.

Random, I know...
3:48 PM

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Snow Day!
Current mood: annoyed

No school today due to snow. Christopher's reaction..."COOL!!" my reaction..."man...that sucks...."

Which one of us is the geek?

So working from home, trying to get people in the office used to me not being there on Wednesdays. My boss would have rather I come in, but I figure I was the only one there yesterday afternoon so I get a break!

Tomorrow is work, then school again on Friday! Yay!!
2:38 PM

Monday, January 22, 2007

First one down...
Current mood: optimistic

Okay, so today was my first written quiz in Massage I. I think I aced it...I was a little nervous, I haven't taken a quiz in something like 16 years...whew... but I think I did well. Granted, it was multiple choice and pretty darned easy...but still!

My lovely Kinesiology professor took pity on all of us and moved the written and practical quiz in her class to Friday. Whew! That one I am much more worried about. All the planes of movement, types of joints, bones in the body and 17 muscles including the Origin, Insertion and Action(s) of each. Holy cow...I will let you know how it goes. I am studying a lot so hopefull I will do well. We did a sort of trial run through the practical quiz today in class. I have the bony landmarks down pat and am not too bad on the Origins and Insertions, it's the passively moving your partner around part that is throwing me. Translating what it looks like on yourself to making someone else do it is hard for me.

Okay, back to the books! Wish me luck! Lots and lots of luck!!
6:20 PM

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Current mood: jubilant
Just a quick note...100% on my quiz! Can I get a Woo and a Hoo??
5:53 PM

Friday, January 26, 2007

Thank you sir, may I have another....
Current mood: excited

I'll post longer this weekend to catch up with everything, but just a quickie...

I got 100% on the written quiz in Kinesiology and 100% on the practical as well! Yeah, baby!!
3:03 PM

Saturday, January 27, 2007 everything
Current mood: busy

Okay, so you all know I did well on my quizzes last week. I am very very glad to have the first ones under my belt and done with. Hopefully now that I know how they are going to be I won't sweat them so much. HA! Now that's hard for even me to buy...yeah, I will sweat each and every one of them until I am out of school. Failure is not an option.

This morning Mari (classmate pronounce it like Mary) and I did our first exchange of massages. She came over here and we used my table and room. It was cool. I am unlearning all of the bad habits I have taught myself over the years of giving massages. So I feel like I am actually worse at it now that I have had some lessons than I was before just doing it on my own! But I am sure that will pass. You get really focused on performing the strokes "correctly" instead of kind of going with the flow which is what I used to do. I am sure once I do all of the strokes a few hundred times I will get my flow back and back with correct form!

Work is nuts as usual. We have been asked to pitch another co-op. Not sure we will get the business, we are going against a couple big dog agencies, but it's great to be asked. When I first started handling the account there was no way we would have been so I am very proud that we have brought it that far. But the pitch is the week before finals so I will be working on a pitch and studying for finals and traveling all in a rush. I keep thinking it will all slow down, but I guess not!

Okay, off to run errands and do some chores and then study...yet another round of quizzes next week including my first practical in massage!'s going to slow down sometime I am sure...
3:20 PM


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