Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day...

Okay, got the Mother's Day prerequisites done. Flowers sent, phone calls made, phone call received (though to be fair I talk to C almost every Sunday so he is really on the hook for more than just a holiday call) and now I can relax for another month before it's my mother's birthday and all of the complications around that date pop up.

The over all arching theme of the day is mothers are funny. Sometimes they even mean to be. Brent's mother thanked us for the flowers we sent, "Denise always finds such unusual arrangements...." we are taking it as a compliment meaning I don't just send the standard bunch of roses, but it's a funny compliment any way you look at it.

My mother talked about how wonderful my brother Mark was. He was such an easy baby, such a good natured child. Really the easiest out of all of us. Which is a lovely way of saying how difficult the rest of us were without actually saying "the rest of you were pains in the ass" so that was amusing.

C got to talk about TV with me. I was very proud that I didn't text him as soon as I watched an episode of a show we both watch because it blew my mind. I mentioned a few times that I almost did and he laughed and said, "You're really proud of yourself for holding back." Well YEAH I am. 

Mothers are funny.

My mother asked what I did for Mother's Day and I told her we went to a soccer match. "Well that doesn't appeal to me at all." Okay, well, we didn't make you go so that's okay. She went to the casino, just so you know what appeals to her.

Brent's mother just got back from a trip to New York City, she spent the first few days there with C and the rest on her own. She has spent the past few days recovering from her trip, doing laundry and getting the cat to forgive her for being gone for a week. So Mother's Day was resting. She also was not impressed with my day at the soccer match.

The Timbers beat Seattle. Winning is good, beating Seattle is best, so I spent the day living out First Lady Melania Trump's dream of Be Best. Like it would be best if you mentioned your wife and the current baby mama in your Mother's Day wishes...just saying.

I hope the mothers out there reading this had a good day doing exactly what you wanted to, even if it was going to a soccer match and that's just not most mother's cup of tea...

I also hope those of you who could were able to talk to your mom today. Even though mothers are funny, for the most part we just want to hear our kids laugh so it's okay if they are laughing at us instead of with us.

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