Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Eek! I did it! I booked a trip! Just for fun. Not for any other reason. And spur of the moment. And using points. And wheee!!!

Remember last week when I talked about things I like to do but don't? Well here we go. Something I like to do AND am actually going to do. The last minute thing is weird, but it lined up with Brent's work schedule (not always easy) and we could still use the points to get the trip highly discounted and getting the heck out of dodge in the winter is always a good thing. I feel a little badly for C since it will be the first big vacation Brent and I have done without him since he was born, but this is what is going to be the norm from here on out so...

So plane reservations are made, hotel is booked, cat sitters are patched together. Not that they were in pieces but our friend who lives close and normally handles George duties when we are out of town is going out of town at the same time so we had to bring in the relief sitter.  As in, oh what a relief she can do it! Now all that is left is...ummm....well...

I need a bathing suit, or two.
Shoes. I need new shoes.
Shorts, I always wear skirts here during the summer but if we are hiking I am really going to want shorts. So I need some shorts.
Work outs. Oh my goodness...how much can I rearrange in a short amount of time? I am in full winter sweater mode now not summer skin!
Booking fun things to do while we are there. I want to hike, snorkel, site see, lay on the beach and be a bum and...oh gosh DO ALL THE THINGS!

Oh and sun screen. I need to buy buckets of sun screen.

So the next few weeks will be busy with vacation planning and looking forward to the sun and the sand and the ocean.  And fighting that rising sense of panic that I am spending money on frivolous things that I should be saving because well...that's what you do with money save it...and...

Shhh...shhh...shhh...voice of frugality in my head, just shhh...We are going to Hawaii!!!

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