Wednesday, July 8, 2009

September 2007- January 2008

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Almost done...
Current mood: disappointed

One day to go. And let me tell you today was a reminder of all the reasons why I need to get out.

I had been second guessing myself...hard to be here when others were at Brand Vision. Just felt wrong. Felt like I was missing something. And I did miss being there. Being in the thick of it all.

But today my boss reinforced why I needed to leave. He has impeccable timing really. Second time he has done that. Just reinforced that it was a good reason to leave. Sigh...

but his conscience is clear and he can sleep at night...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Current mood: contemplative

And I no longer work for Livengood/ bizarre...

I went in today to pick up my car and drop off my keys. Only one in the office for the very last time. Turned off Becky's light...she forgets sometimes...for the last time. Looked around the place and thought...I don't work here anymore. I think it's going to take a few weeks for that to really sink in. I don't work there anymore....


Friday, September 28, 2007

Whew...and yee haw!
Current mood: relieved

Grades came today. Pulled my As for the term...yes I know I was all about accepting a lower grade and how it would be fine...but that's when I thought I wasn't going to be able to pull out an A.

One more week of term break then it's back to school...but this time instead of back to school with a full time job, a part time job and homework I will be down to one job and homework! Yee haw!!
3:32 PM

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Current mood: contemplative

Okay school is rolling on. Had my first round of quizzes in both classes. Did really well in modalities, not so well in clinic. But I will make it up on later quizzes in clinic hopefully so not too terribly worried.

Actual first day of the client side in clinic was last week, it was really hectic and nerve wracking and intense...but fun all in all. And one of the two clients I saw last week called and requested me to see me again this week, so that is pretty damn cool. I just might be good at this stuff!

First half of the term in modalities is all Eastern practices, so energy work and such things. Really really really different than what we have been doing. I had to learn meridians and acupoints and tomorrow we do some Shiatsu. It's different. All we are is little bits of electrical energy held together so it makes sense that energy work would help...but it's still a wild concept to put your brain around.

Clinic is really like two different classes; Mondays it's like...well...hell. And I mean that in the nicest possible way...It's a business class. Taught by someone who admittedly doesn't care for you can just imagine. Then on Wednesdays we have actual clinic where we are seeing clients and doing the intake and exit paper work and giving two massages and trying to keep everything running smoothly all within the right amount of's pretty fabulous. But like I said, a little nerve wracking. I am sure we will all get our share of great clients and cranky pants clients.

Still adjusting to not working for L/N anymore. In a way it still feels slightly like a vacation and that I will be back at work there eventually. I guess it's just that I was there for so long and it was so big a part of how I defined myself that it's just going to take longer than I thought it would to totally disengage. BUT...that is not to say I am not thrilled to be gone. I am starting to feel more and more like my old self. At least in flashes. Someday soon I might even be able to sort the box of stuff I packed from my desk without getting cranky all over again. Someday. Not now though.
9:14 AM

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Small things
Current mood: relieved

Last week Brent had an appointment at OHSU to have his heart checked out. Very cool little set of tests they did. They slowed his heart rate WAY down, injected him with some dye and then gave him a nitroglycerin pill to open the blood vessel wide. All of this while doing a scan. ANYWAY... we get to the hospital at 1, and are there until 5 for all of these tests. Brent has a port in his arm the entire time so they can put the dye and the meds through as needed and is lying on a gurney with monitors on him at various times to make sure his heart rate is low but not too low. And we are chatting about life and what we need to do that night still and all the things you chat about in a normal day, while the whole time he and I are both silently thinking Please, God, don't let there be anything wrong with his/my heart....

So anyway at the end of the scan while they have him in recovery waiting for his heart rate and blood pressure to recover enough that we can leave Dr. Shapiro comes in to the room. Dr. Shapiro is the specialist at the hospital who is going to read the results from these tests. He comes in and tells us that he has not seen all of the angles and film but wanted us to know that from the first set of pictures he has reviewed everything looks great. Two minutes extra out of his day tops. Hello, I am Dr. Shapiro and blah blah blah...and he was gone.

Can I tell you what a big deal that was? Why can't more doctors be like that? Why can't it be like a service industry? It didn't take a lot of his time but it made both of us feel much better. Now granted, we are still waiting until next week when Brent goes back to Dr. Oh for the rest of his tests to really breathe deeply, but was huge.

Thanks OHSU and Dr. Shapiro for getting it...
9:30 AM

Friday, December 21, 2007

Term Break...
Current mood: excited

Usually I am so excited about two weeks with no homework...but this time around I am only taking a 6 day break with no homework then I start studying for the boards...did my CPR class yesterday and that was the last piece I had to finish before I could apply. Just amazing that in 6 weeks or so I will be a LMT...assuming that I pass both of my boards of course.

January is going to be busy. I am taking three specialty classes on Tuesday/Thursday from 8-6. And studying for and taking my boards. And working my consulting gig. It's going to fly by that is for sure! Goal, of course, is to make As in all three classes, pass both boards with flying colors and work enough that my boss doesn't feel he is getting ripped off. That's sweat right? Oh and try to have a decent homelife in there as well...and read a book...or a magazine...or maybe just the back of a cereal box.
8:54 AM

Friday, December 28, 2007

It’s here!! It’s here!!
Current mood: excited

My official copy of my transcript came today! Which means I can now apply to take the boards! Which means I can pass the boards! Which means I can be licensed! Which means I can start making MONEY! Woo HOO!!!!

Oh and by the way...4.0. Just in case you were wondering.
8:03 PM

6:40 PM
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Random things...
Current mood: inspired

Okay, just a few things I wanted to share. One is that I am a little in love with Carson Kressley. I watched How to Look Good Naked yesterday and it was really pretty awesome. I watched it based on a good review and am glad that I did. It was schmaltzy and had a TON of product placement but it was also sweet and moving and made me glad that it was on TV and made me wish that every woman could spend a week with Carson Kressley or someone like him. Watch it if you get a chance. And if you have younger women and girls in your life have them watch it as well. If I had learned to appreciate my shape instead of bemoaning my curves when I was younger I could have RULED the world!!

Second random thing...I finally sorted the three boxes of stuff that I brought home from L/N. I knew eventually I would get to the point where I could look at those things and not clench my teeth and get angry all over again. I knew I could do it when I was talking to SD about catering and he said Christy was coming by and I had no idea who that was....and I had to really think about it for a bit to figure out why he thought I would know the name...Christy is my replacement at L/N...

And last thing...I put together my shadow box/collage of things people have given me the past year as I started out on this journey and it made me appreciate all of my friends for their support even more! I couldn't have done it with them!!

Ready, set...last term starts Tuesday, applications for the boards went in the mail last week...GO!!!
3:40 PM

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

February 6th
Current mood: nervous

The packet from the Oregon Board came today....February 6th is the big day for my practical exam! Yee haw!! Now let's see when the written exam gets scheduled. With the delay from the practical I might be licensed just as I graduate...which would work out just fine as far as getting a job goes...

A month away. Study, girl, study!!

5:30 PM

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