Saturday, January 5, 2019


...just a rambling post.

I've been surfing the web for a bit, did some shopping, did some reading, did some furniture planning and was ready to log off when I thought...

I've been sitting in front of the computer for ages and not written, I should write.

So here you go. Me writing.

So I've been having fun with The Witches in the Wonky Tower. I'm not sure how much more there will be to that story but considering it all came from a random thought about cracked foundations and a joke title I'm not mad about whatever might or might not come from it. I don't know if I'll work on it more for awhile because this next week I am going to, brace yourselves, PAINT THE LIVING ROOM!


I'm a little shocked too. But I had the wall repair done and the retexturizing is white ugly patches so it is forcing my hand. Which I knew it would and that was part of the plan. I had the repairs in the basement done as well and then had them paint that. Which was great because it got it done, but was not great because I do crisper edge work than the "professional" did. So when I work on the living room I'll be doing some edge work in the basement as well.

And that painting is part of what led to the online furniture shopping. So far for the basement I've had an idea, framed some pictures for the walls and painted the walls to look good with those pictures. You know, the way normal people design rooms. Or not...

Thinking about the fact that to get the living room painted, years after choosing the color, I had to come at it sideways. I know it will look better when it's done. I know it's actually not even that hard to do, it's just two walls after all. But I still couldn't get up enough give a damn to actually do it. Until I did something else that made ignoring it impossible. Which I highly suggest for a lot of things.

Look around at the projects you really do want to get done and see why you aren't doing them. Then find something else that can be done that would force your hand and do that instead. Need new clothes? Throw out the old ones. Seriously. That ratty old underwear that you really need to replace? Toss it out and you will be forced to do it. Those jeans that are too big or too small? Get rid of them. Naked or shopping is a choice you will have to make. Make a deal with yourself or better yet someone close to you that you can't do X (whatever you REALLY enjoy) until you get Y (that project looming over your head) done. And then follow through.

Or don't.

Look around at the projects that you really do want to get done and ask yourself why you aren't doing them. Could it be because you really don't care about them? You just think you should? There are things that I kept on my "To Do" list for ages that I finally dropped off because I realized that I didn't really care about them. They didn't mean anything to me. I wasn't going to be happier or more organized or better off in any way having them done than I was right now. So off they go. Don't waste your time on things that are just not that important. Look at your lists and clear off the things you don't care about. It's just as satisfying to wipe them off the list because they aren't important as it is to wipe them off the list because they are done.

Oh, and just so you know...the paint color I picked for the living room all those years ago? I'm not painting the living room that color. I've changed my mind. BUT I did paint the basement that color so I don't feel badly for that poor swatch that has been just waiting for its moment of glory...

I'll post pictures when it's all done so you can enjoy the finally painted moment with me...

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