Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year New You! (Same me, just new goals)

Okay, so on to 2019!

I've got the greatest hits coming this year and two new things for fun. So let's get started, shall we?

Reading! As you know I totally blew past last year's goal. There were a lot of reasons for it, including the fact that I didn't read any 1000 page books last year. It's amazing how your totals shoot up if you aren't reading King or Martin or Follett...anyway...So for this year I took the average number of books I've read over the years I've been doing the Goodreads challenge and added four. So 80 books total. The subgoal is related to a series that I've been meaning to finish for ages. Once I finally started it, that is.

Discworld has always been on my "I really need to do that" list and just the sheer number of them always set me back. I started a few years ago to fill in a few here and there and I've read 12 of them now. Out of 42. So still really intimidating. This year my subgoal for reading is to get 15 of 30 I have left complete. So 80 books total, 15 of them being Discworld books. When I first decided that I would do this I looked and the library had Witches Abroad (the next on my list) available so I got cocky and didn't check it right out. Now, of course, someone else has it so I'm waiting to start it as soon as it becomes available. I've already put the next one on hold. ;-)

Writing! So the sit down and write for a few hours every day last year just didn't even happen. But I still hit my goals plus a few. So now I'm thinking that the sit down every day thing probably is not going to be me, ever. But I do like the idea of it. So I'm keeping the star in my calendar for writing. It's a good incentive for me to do it daily, but the goal is 168 total blogs. That's 2018's goal plus 8. The subgoals under that are 56 of them being fiction pieces (2018 goal plus 4), a monthly blog recapping how my yearly goals and such are coming along and (Trumpet sounds!) submitting four pieces. Yep, after last year's goal of submitting 3 pieces and how much I HATED it, I'm doing four this year. Maybe eventually it won't be such an issue for me.

If you are watching you see that this is where the plus four for the other goals started. It took me a little bit to figure it out. But when I decided to up the goal from last year for submissions I didn't want to get crazy and put in a number I knew I wouldn't reach so I just divided the year into quarters instead of thirds. One piece a quarter. Four pieces. That got written down in my notes. Then as I started setting other numbers that four was just hanging out there in my subconscious so everything got average plus four. Except for the total blog count which got plus 8, because plus 4 didn't make a round number for each month but 8 did. Just a little insight into how weird and random my goal setting is.

Masterclass! This is a new one that I hope will be fun. I signed up for Masterclass and I'm planning on taking one a month. I've been tempted by it for years and they finally got me with a Neil Gaiman class coming in 2019. I did the year pass so I will be getting my money's worth out of that. So 12 Masterclasses on whatever strikes my fancy that month. I expect the majority will be on writing.

Monthly Museum/Attraction! This is another fun one, I hope. It started with advertising for cross membership promotions from local museums. For instance if you buy a yearly pass to the zoo you get reciprocal entry for free each month to the their partners in this program. Each month is a different museum or attraction. I thought about just doing that but looking at the list and the months that are available for reciprocal entry and it didn't appeal to me that much. So I decided we could just do it on our own. So each month we'll pick something and go.

Fitness/Weight! Okay, so here we go...So I posted yesterday about how I was up five pounds on the last official weigh in right? Well make that 8. It was a snacky weekend. The good news is that those extra three are just salt pounds so when they fade very quickly it will make me feel good. The bad news is I did my quarterly measurements today and the weight I gained last year wasn't just muscle weight. There is some squish there too. So here is the deal I am making with myself, this year I am going to work at getting rid of that weight. Getting to that goal weight I set LAST year. Then that's it. Once I hit that the rest of my energy around this issue will be on maintaining that weight. Which as my doctor has told me is not going to be easy because getting old sucks. But I know that I will not be happy here, I will try and tell myself all of the good positive self talk around it but I won't be happy. And if I'm not happy about it I'm inviting a mess.

Going to go back to being a little more strict with the sugar. I was getting a little lose over the weekends and then in December when I reached "Fuck it" with the weight gain this year I just opened to flood gates again. Though I did realize that I don't like it as much as I used to so it will be easier to slip back into the tighter controls. We are doing dry January and even though we don't drink a lot that will be something as well. The gym is still my job. So that sticks. I'm switching my workouts around a little but I do that every month anyway so that's not really new. And even though I discovered that I just have to accept that I don't like to cook I will still work on cooking at home 3 nights a week or so to keep those calories and ingredients in check. For goal around fitness/weight: Average 5 days a week at the gym, lose 13 pounds.

I'm continuing with Daily Gratitude at least through my 51 birthday since it started with the #fiftyisnifty. Also #selfiesaturday will keep going through at least August. Those don't get stars on the chart, just a note. So they are sub,sub,sub goals I guess.

Long term list! Still working on the list I started in 2016. I cleared a chunk off last year (including the blog print and sort which was a MASSIVE project that I thought was going to be a little thing) I'm pretty sure 2019 will be the year I get the living room painted. No, really, tomorrow I have someone coming to do some repairs and I won't be able to stand the drywall patch staring at me for a year. I think. I'm pretty sure. Maybe. Anyway...I'll clear off the completed items, add some more things we have talked about getting done and go back to tackling that list. Including my travel list, and I think planning a new vacation destination this year. I love Hawaii and it's hard to pass it up, but we are going there in February so I'm thinking maybe a summer trip someplace else, or possibly traveling at Christmas next year.

Stars and Lists! Keeping my calendar with my lists and my stars. It's dorky and childish but I love it so there. Going back to 5 stars instead of 7. Seven was too crowded. So the daily star items are:

Daily List

Bonus sparkle stars for completing a monthly goal.

So that's the deal for 2019. A basic year. Focusing on writing, reading, learning, and having fun, with a side dose of health. Not a bad year, I think. I'll let you know.

Happy New Year I hope your goals are in reach and motivate you to keep on enjoying life.

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