Friday, January 18, 2019

Let's Go to the Tape!

Ray Rice. You saw him go on the elevator with his wife. You saw him dragging her unconscious body off the elevator. But the punishment, the outrage didn't happen until the video from inside the elevator was released where you saw him knock her out. At the time I was baffled. Why in the world did it take that? What did you think happened in there? She just took a little nap? What in the world...

R. Kelly. The stories and accusations have been around for years. Years and years. The women featured in the TV show had told their stories before. But it took the TV show to make people take action. To truly demand that something be done. For his record label to drop him. I mean Spotify tried to stop playing his music last year (I want to say it was last year) and people lost their shit over it. HOW DARE THEY! Now it's like HOW DARE THEY HAVE WAITED THIS LONG! What? People knew. But it took watching the show to really get it.

So now I sit here and wonder if we have to wait until the Trump Family Special Indictment show to get everyone on board. The information has been there. The stories have been around for years and years. Everything you needed to know has been in your face. But I guess we need a TV show, or the video from inside Trump Tower.

We can't read apparently. Or extrapolate facts. We need someone to take our hand and walk us step by step through everything AND show us the video. Don't forget the video.

It's extremely frustrating. People that I know are intelligent are pretending they don't see what is in front of their faces. "Well we just don't know." Chris Christie just wrote a book where he talks about how EVERYONE around Trump is a crook and a thief but Trump himself is fine. Wait, what? First off, Chris, you were around him so I guess you need to tell us which you are. I mean the bridge incident shows you are an asshole but which are you otherwise? A crook or a thief? And please, if everyone around you is dirty you are dirty. Especially if you chose everyone around you.

Cohen is telling all his secrets now. I mean it won't matter until the corroborating proof is released, and let's be perfectly honest unless it's a video tape I'm guessing that won't matter either. Though now that I think about it, the Access Hollywood Tape was a tape. It's right there in the name. Maybe because it wasn't a video until he got off the bus. Just audio. So somehow since they didn't SEE him saying those things it was all good.

There have been too many moments where the talking heads were sure this would be the thing that does him in. I just don't believe it anymore. I think that the biggest obstacle to anything being done is that those who support him would have to stop. And to stop supporting him they would have to admit not just that they were wrong but that that means other people were right. And it's that part that I think will prevent it from happening. We are so divided into sides and teams and who is with me and who is against me that to say "I was wrong, you were right" is impossible. It's too damaging to our sense of self to do.

Talking to a friend this week and I said I would hope that I would be able to do it. If the situation were reversed. If one of those dozen investigations into Clinton had actually found something I'd like to believe that I would have been able to say, "I was wrong." But it's all hypothetical. I don't know because she wasn't elected so the House and Senate didn't have two years of investigations (AGAIN) into emails and Benghazi and Uranium One and all of the other things that had been investigated and found to have nothing really there. I do know that when results of investigations were released I would watch almost holding my breath. So I know that part of me was willing to entertain the idea that she was guilty of something. I didn't think she was, but I wasn't positive because I didn't know everything. But I was right. So I didn't have to say I was wrong.

But I like to think I could. That I would be able to back away from someone, no matter how much I had invested in them, if they were dirty.

But I also believe I would never put my faith in someone who had the dirty history that Trump had all along.

Again. The stories and examples have been around for years and years.

We shouldn't need a video tape to believe it.

He's showing us live everyday.

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