Wednesday, May 23, 2018

New At This...

The bang woke April up. Or maybe the vibration from whatever caused the bang. But there was clearly some sort of explosion. She could still hear the echo in her ears. She stayed still for a few moments to see if there was going to be anything else. What was it? Thunder?  A car backfiring? Someone hitting the house? An earthquake?

Nothing else happened. Whatever it was it was done. Of course now she had to pee so there was no going back to sleep for her. She stumbled out of bed and in to the bathroom. After she washed her hands she splashed her face with cold water and tried to get some of the sleep out of her eyes. Looking in the mirror she blinked a couple of times and then leaned in closer. Her deep brown eyes looked clear enough, not bloodshot, nothing terrible, except for the fact that they should have been blue. 

"What the fuck?" She blinked a few times and they were blue again. And then she heard the voice.

Though it wasn't really hearing a voice, that wasn't quite right. She thought the voice. But she wasn't the one thinking. She could hear the voice in her head and it wasn't her own. That was about right. But she could hear the voice. And it was mumbling.

"I am in control...I AM in control...I am IN control...I am in CONTROL!"

"Control of what exactly?" April thought to herself. Though not to herself so much as to what ever it was that was mumbling inside her head.


"Okay, great, you are Balog, again, control of what exactly? And why do I have to hear about it?"

She could feel the frustration wash over her brain. She looked in the mirror and saw she was pouting. Well that was interesting.

"I am in control of you!"

She laughed, "Oh are you now? How's that?"

Now she could almost see something pacing inside her head now. It was sort of like watching a movie but it was all happening inside of her.


"Greg? You've been summoned by Greg?"

She felt the sigh and the muttering again, "This shouldn't be that hard. You take over, you are in control. Get it together, Balog. Get it together."

"Look, if Greg summoned you why aren't you with him? I didn't summon you. I am fine by myself."


April smirked, "You would do well to question him. It's kind of a good standard to set with him. Question everything. Greg isn't a great anything. Okay? He's my ex-boyfriend and he's really a bit of jerk. Which I think demon possession kind of proves. You are a demon right? I mean that's what this is?"

The muttering started again, "This was supposed to be easy, stop talking to her, she is just the puppet..."

"Puppet? Oh no, sweetie, I am nobody's puppet. Wait, you've never done this before have you? That's why you're having such a hard time. You don't have any idea what you are doing. Greg summoned an inexperienced demon. I bet it was all he could manage."

She scowled at herself in the mirror, her eyes shifting to brown for a moment and then back to blue.

"Okay, yeah, let's just both admit that you are not up to the job. It's nothing to be ashamed of. For a first try you've really done wonders. I mean, you woke me up out of a deep sleep, you've gotten my eyes to shift a few times and your pout was on point. But Greg set you up, man. He put a new demon on the job into a very strong willed shell. And that's not on you, that's on him."

Balog leaned forward to listen a little more closely. She had him now.

"Right? I mean you see that don't you? He set you up to fail. He wanted to scare me but he wasn't sure he could really do the job so he called you. If it worked he was the Great if it failed, it was all your fault. Typical Greg move really. You're in my head, look around a bit, see if you can find some memories in there that will back me up. I'll wait."

She went back into her bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed while her memories of her relationship with Greg washed over her. She wasn't even upset anymore at how horrible he had been. She really saw him as pretty pathetic now. Insecure manchild hiding behind a lot of bravado. It had fooled her in the beginning but when he started trying to tell her what she had to do, how she should think, act, behave, oh no that was the end. Though she did have to admit that this was pretty low. To try and literally possess her? What an asshole.

The memories faded away, "See what I mean?"

She felt Balog shifting around inside her head. "I want to go home."

"Okay, so how do we do that? Can I banish you or something?"

She could feel herself pouting again, "No. He has to send me away. And I don't think he's going to do that."

She thought for a moment, "Balog, how about you and I work together for awhile. I assume you have some pretty cool powers at your disposal. You agree with me that you won't do anything we haven't discussed ahead of time and I will let you get some on the job training."

"You would trust me?"

"Of course I would trust you. We have the same objective don't we?"

She felt Balog nodding, "Make Greg pay."

April smiled. Her eyes were now blue with spokes of brown shooting through them. "Oh yes, make Greg pay."

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