Monday, March 12, 2018

It's a Matter of Trust...

"I never should have trusted you!"

"You're right! What the hell were you thinking?"

"I thought maybe you were ready to act like the grown up for a change. But apparently not."

"Why would you think that? That's a stupid thing for you to think. When have I ever shown any signs that I was ready to act like a grown up? Or that I even wanted to act like a grown up? Never. That's when. Ne.Ver."

"One of these days you will have to be responsible. I won't be here forever."

"You're right you won't, but that doesn't mean that I have to responsible. There is always someone out there who wants to be responsible."

"You think I want to always be responsible?"

"Yeah, I do. You always like being the one in charge. It's part of  who you are."

"I am the one who is in charge and responsible all of the time because you aren't! Because if I don't take charge we end up in situations like this one! I don't WANT to be responsible but you leave me no choice."

"Really? That's what you think? Because I think you like it. I think right now there is a big part of you that feels smug. That if YOU had just handled it all everything would have been fine."

"It would have!"

"See? But you don't know that. You might have forgotten something too. You just think you know it would have been perfect because that's how you see yourself. In charge. Responsible. Perfect. Taking care of big of fuck up me. I'm doing you a favor really."

"A favor?"

"Yes, a favor. You need someone to take care of so you take care of me. And I'm really not that bad so you get to act like the grown up but there isn't really that much responsibility to it."

"You're not that bad? You think that? You think you can take care of yourself just fine?"

"Yeah. I do. I mean mostly. The big stuff anyway."

"So explain this."

"This wasn't that big of a deal. Not really. That's your problem. You think everything is big stuff, when it's not really."

"You think this isn't big stuff?"

"Not in the grand scheme of things, no. You are alive right? You're breathing. You have food, you have water, you have clothes and a roof over your head, everything else is small stuff."

"That's how you view this? Small stuff?"

"Well, yeah, of course. How else would you view it?"

She looked around at the expanse of ocean around them. Remembering the moment their oar floated away and then sank because it was not tied to the kayak. No land in sight. No radio because the backpack it was in was also not secure to the kayak and sank at the same time as the oar. Hearing the echo of "Yeah, I've got this." which apparently did not mean the same thing as she thought it meant.

"Not small. Not small at all."

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