Sunday, May 20, 2012


Today's picture of the day is "Something you can't live without"  I knew this one would be a challenge as soon as I saw it on the list. See, I am superstitious. I was raised in a religious household and if you break religion down it's really pretty much acting on superstitions to try and make sure you have a decent life and afterlife so it's not a surprise that even after leaving the church I am still incredibly superstitious. Also add to the religious superstitions the myriad of the Dutch, Irish, Scottish, German and so on and so on superstitions that we followed (you say traditions, I say superstitions) and it's really a wonder I can get out of bed each morning without following a ritual!

What does this mean for a picture you ask? Well let me tell you....

One of my greatest superstitions is that you don't challenge the Universe. I don't say that my sports team has a game locked up until the last buzzer sounds. I don't say something will be easy because I know that as soon as I get cocky the Universe will show me just how hard something simple can be. And to take a picture of something I can't live without? Well that was just blowing my mind...what do you take a picture of that then isn't a challenge? My family? I know that you can live without the people that you love. It might not be pleasant but you can do it. My friends? Same thing.  I have had people in my life that I could not imagine not seeing and speaking to that I have no idea where they are or what they are doing right now. Food? Water? Air?  Why would I want to throw that out there? I could just visualize the Universe cackling and rubbing it's metaphorical hands together in preparation...

Then I thought, you are probably WAY over-thinking this one so I thought about finding a picture of brains. But with my group of friends if I posted a picture of a brain as something I couldn't live without they might assume I had become a zombie and kill me due to the "I won't let you become a zombie" pact we have. Some of you are laughing at that but others are nodding because you know it's true!

So by the time I went through all of the things that I couldn't take a picture of I was left with just the one option. The one thing that I couldn't live without is At least in this form. What comes next after this me ceases to be me is a subject for another blog on another day...

And I was also left with a photo description that was way too long to post under the photo so you got a bonus mini-blog to go with. I know...I'm a giver. A superstitious whacked out nut job...but a giver!