Thursday, October 3, 2024

Oh How Things Don't Change...

Last Year

Today is Katie's birthday so I've spent the past couple of days thinking about how much things change. And how quickly they seem to move even though at the time it's very slow. 

And then I read the blog I linked up there from last year...

And nothing changes. 

I mean the media is still doing it's damnedest to try and both sides are the same the political parties. Only now they are not at all concerned about the oldest man ever running for President and his obvious mental decline. Because well, Biden dropped out so they'd have to talk about Trump instead of sanewashing his speeches. 


Who knew we'd ever have a word like that in common vernacular. 

But they do it all the time. Watch the clips from his rallies and then read the headlines and try to reconcile what he said with how they reported it. 

Every once in awhile now you are seeing some accurate representation of how unhinged he's become but I think that's a sign of how bad it is instead of any sort of journalistic integrity. There is only so much they can paper over. And if Harris wins then they want to be able to say "See! We weren't biased!"

Unh hunh...sure. 

Focus some more on if she ever worked at McDonald's and asking her about "turning Black" and then get back to me about how you are good journalists who deserve a cookie. 

There are very few things that frustrate me more than when people declare there is no difference between the parties. Or when they pick their pet issue and try to say that because there is no purity in the Dems for what they want then they just have to vote third party or not vote at all. Right now we have a two party system. We do not have a system that would put a third party candidate in office. And even if for some freak storm there was a path for a third party candidate to become president (which again, there isn't) they would have no coalition in Congress to move their agenda forward. 

I'm a huge fan of the idea of ranked choice voting. So we can get more options. So we could get a Congress and a President in there that represents a wider swath of people. However, we don't have that right now. So like it or not it will be the Dem or the Repub in office. And if you want to try and tell me that somehow Trump would be better for Palestinians than Harris would (just to choose a one issue issue) I know you are not a serious person and you can go fuck yourself. 

I'm also not willing to throw away all of the good that a Harris/Walz ticket could do because they are both gun owners. Spoiler alert, a lot of Democrats own guns. We live in the United States after all. A lot of us are the textbook definition of responsible gun owners. Like I leave mine in the gun safe even when I know that the Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys pukes are downtown just itching for a fight. 

We need to change things in our politics and one of the things we need to change is to stop lying that both sides are the same. They aren't. And if you are part of a marginalized group, or have family or friends who are then you know this. 

Check your registration. 

And miss me with the both sides are the same bullshit. 

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