Saturday, October 12, 2024

Just Over Three Weeks Away...

I'm torn right now between thinking that the election is going to be a runaway success for the democrats and thinking that we are all in for a nasty surprise.  Again.

As even more damning things come out about Trump I just cannot believe that this is even close. Like how in the world could they even find someone who was willing to vote for him? Then I see pictures of his rally in Aurora and 10,000 people showed up to listen to him lie. And he did lie. He lied about FEMA, he lied about immigration, he lied about what was happening in AURORA for goodness sake. And yet...they cheered. 

He's running on a platform of hate. Mass deportations. Taking away citizenship from people. And they still want him. He rambles and loses his train of thought and puts together jumbles of word salad and they eat it up. 

And I know, I've talked before about how a lot of people are actually drawn to fascism. That they like "strongmen" leaders. And being told what to do is fine with them as long as someone else is portrayed as the problem and not them. 

But as someone who bristles against ever being told what to do without my input I cannot wrap my head around why that's appealing. 

I've had enough of anyone who says they don't want Trump but won't vote for Harris for whatever reason. Fuck you. It's a binary. I know it sucks that it's a binary but it is and if you aren't voting for one you are saying the other is fine with you. Don't try and hit me with any bullshit if you cannot understand something that simple. 

I've had enough of the talking points from the other side trying to paint Harris as anything less than supremely qualified. If she is elected she will take the office after already serving in all three branches of government. And serving successfully. Hell if she'd done nothing else with her time in the Senate but make Kavanaugh admit that there are zero laws defining what a man can do with his own body that would have been enough for me. 

And yet...I've seen people who are supposedly very intelligent defend voting for him and not for her. People who have decided that she's not only not qualified but somehow dangerous. That if she wins the country is ruined. 


She's not the one saying there won't be a need for another election. Or that she'll be a dictator, but don't worry, only on the first day. She's not the one who is a fucking convicted felon. A rapist. And if the new allegations in the latest Woodward book are accurate a fucking traitor. He's been on the phone with Putin multiple times since he left office. A private citizen who is holding on to classified documents and directing the Congressional Republicans to do his bidding, has been on the phone with Putin. Multiple times. And honestly, he's a traitor even if those allegations aren't true. He incited an insurrection. My god the fuck attention. He's running to stay out of jail. That's his main motivation. 

And yet...they will vote for him. 

I will never understand the appeal. 

And I'm glad for that. 

Just over three weeks to go before we find out how this one will land. I'm hopeful. I'm sure it will all be fine and it could be amazing. And I'm terrified and slightly panicked that it will all go to shit. 

What a time to be alive... 

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