Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Different Season...

Looking at the tree outside the office window, the leaves are turning. There are still some all green ones but most of them are a mottled red and gold. 

The ones that are changing colors right now are done supplying nutrients to the tree. No more photosynthesis there. So right now the tree is sealing itself off from those leaves. 

The leaves will fall and the tree will spend the winter conserving everything it has in its trunk and branches. Then when spring comes it will spend some of that energy to produce new buds. Those buds will become leaves. The leaves will unfurl and start processing sunlight into food for the tree. 

It's a great system. One we should all follow.

If something is no longer serving you then it's okay to seal yourself off from it, let it go. Habits. Situations. People. Drop them like a leaf that is no longer serving the needs of the tree.

It's okay and necessary to let things go when they are no longer doing us any good.

Even if we have to spend a season alone. Looking a little scraggly. Nourishing only our core. 

When the season changes we will be ready to bring on the new. 

Life is all about seasons. And respecting those seasons. Are you in a season of growth or do you need to spend some time conserving your energy? Are you holding on to things that aren't serving you well anymore? Even if they used to be great? 

I think letting things go is one of the hardest things for most people to do. We get into a groove and just keep doing the same things. We have our habits and our schedules and our routines. And it takes something big to shake us up and make us look around and see if maybe we need a change. If maybe those things aren't really serving us anymore. 

I've written about it a lot. The things that I drop when they stop serving me. And the times when I am not paying enough attention and keep doing them longer than I should. 

I also know that over the next couple of months I'll be out of my routine so I'll get a chance to really look at what I do and don't do and see if there are some leaves I need to seal off. Let them drop away and leave me space for something new. Or let them drop and leave me time to nourish my core. 

Don't keep things that aren't serving you around. Drop those bad habits. Those worthless routines. Those outmoded ways of thinking. The people who are not doing you any good. All of that. Seal yourself off from the drain and preserve your energy for what comes next. 

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