Wednesday, January 24, 2018


She had been dead for 6 months. That was important to understand to see her side of the story.  Dead. For SIX months! DEAD.

Don't be so dramatic he would say.

She would have rolled her eyes but she was a little worried what would happen to them if she did.  When they had dried out they had shrunk considerably and were basically just resting in the sockets.

He had finally agreed to go to counselling.

They were sitting in the waiting room and she pretended the receptionist wasn't staring at her. She knew she was just waiting for them to go in to the main office so she could spray air freshener everywhere. She didn't take it personally. She just thought that Little Miss should be grateful that they were in to the musty smell portion and away from the meaty one that had been a few months ago. She was really glad her sense of smell had faded quickly. The retching noises she was greeted with had let her know it wasn't good.

As they sat down across from the highly recommended marriage counselor she could see the surprise register on the doctor's face.

Ah yes, we're a new situation aren't we?

"So...tell me why you think you are here today?"

"I've been dead for SIX months!"

"Don't be so dramatic."


"Okay, so, umm, you've been dead for six months. What do you mean by that?"

She had laughed. Did you know how hard it was to laugh when your vocal chords were drying out? She was lucky nothing snapped. Well nothing more than her temper. "Dead. As in I died. As in moved on. Next level. I shouldn't be here anymore. Dead."

"But you are here, so why do you think that is?"

"Because he didn't let go."

The doctor turned to her husband, "Is that true? Are you holding her against her will?"

"She said she would ALWAYS be here. ALWAYS means always."

She looked at the doctor and shook her head, "Do you see? He won't let go. I've been DEAD for SIX months!"

"ALWAYS! What part of ALWAYS do you not get? You said ALWAYS."

"I SAID until DEATH do us part. DEATH. I've been DEAD FOR SIX MONTHS!"

"I'm not dead though."

She tried to blow her cheeks out in frustration but she had torn a small hole in the left one a few weeks ago so instead of  a sound of frustration they made a sort of sad balloon deflating noise. "It was either of us, not just you. Death is death. One death is all it takes to break the contract."

He sat back smugly, "Apparently not."

"So you see what I'm dealing with?"

The doctor looked at him, "Why don't you want to let go?"

"Why? Because I love her. Because I would be lonely without her."

"I love you too. I really do. And, please believe me when I tell you, you wouldn't be lonely for long. You are a good man. You're funny, you're smart, you can cook, we have a nice house, the girls are grown and so there are no kids to worry about. You are a catch. Someone will snatch you right up."

He shook his head, "I always thought I'd go first."

She laughed again, "So did I. Trust me, this wasn't in the plan. But you have to let me go. Thank god we live in a desert and not in a rain forest. I mean desiccation is preferable to rot, but at some point I'm going to blow away. Literally. Blow. Away."

"I don't want to let you go. I don't want to be alone."

She looked back to the doctor for help. "He won't be alone for long, right, Doc? I mean you've seen scores of couples in here who had multiple partners right? A catch like him will be gone before you know it, you tell him."

The doctor started to speak but was interrupted.

"Well, Marybeth has been coming around a lot lately to check on me."

"Excuse me?"

"Marybeth, you know from the HOA board."

"Oh I KNOW who Marybeth is. When exactly has she been coming around?"

"Well you know, when I'm leaving for work or sometimes she's waiting for me in the driveway when I come home. She stopped by the other day and offered to take me to lunch. So maybe you are right, Marybeth would..."

"Over my dead body!"

She realized what she had said at the same time he did. They laughed.

The doctor spoke up again, "It seems as though someone else has not yet let go."

She thought about it. Maybe that was true. She hadn't. Not really. The terms of the contract had been fulfilled. She knew it. He knew it. He couldn't have held her if she hadn't wanted to be held as well.

"We both need to let go." She reached out and patted his knee.

A fat tear rolled down his face, "Yes, I guess we do."

They looked at each other one more time and whispered Always. She stepped out of what was left of her body and was free. A door appeared in the middle of the room and her guide walked out, "Finally! I've been waiting for fucking ever for you to figure it out."

She laughed, "How did I not know it would be you waiting here?"

"Because you're obviously slow as fuck. Now can we go?"

"Can we stop by Marybeth's house first?"

"Oh hell yeah, already on the schedule..."

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