Saturday, October 25, 2014

Messages and messengers...

The message has always been the same.
 His (her) job to deliver the terrifying (wonderful) news was eternal.
Everything dies.

The girl on the mountain watching the clouds heard and ran to the village.
Everything dies!
And so she lived. Books were read. Stories were written. Dances were danced.
Hurry! There is only so much time!
Everything dies!

The man mending the fence heard and laid down his hammer.
Everything dies.
And so he died. The fence fell. The harvest left in the field.
What was the use? There was only so much time.
Everything dies. 

The old man in the hospital heard it whispered in his ear.
Everything dies.
Unplug the machines. Let me go. It's my time.
My life has been long and now I am ready.
Everything dies.

The young mother heard it whispered in her hear.
Everything dies.
Give me one more round of treatment. Try once more.
It will come someday. But not today. I'm not ready.
Everything dies.

And so it went through all of time.
Everything dies.
Are you living or are you dying?
Everything dies.
The clock ticks, what do you do?

Everything dies.
She (he) repeated the message through the years. 
Hope (despair) followed where he (she) went.
Everything dies.

Once a question was asked. 
Everything? Surely something must be eternal.
The answer was "the messenger is eternal."
Snatching greedily at the chance he (she) became the messenger.
But all the messenger is is the message. 
She (he) had tried to cheat and paid the price.
Time continued.
And all that remained was the message.

Everything dies.

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